Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I talked about how slow I am earlier. I can feel it when I run. My mind believes I should be running faster because my body has been for years. Also I have noticed when I throw the football around that I cant throw as hard, fast or as far as I used to. Well, I believe I found the answer, and it might be linked to Graves disease.
My my nurse practitioner (because my doctor was to lazy or stupid) that my vitamin D levels have been low for the last few months. (thanks doctor for noticing)
I went home looked up vitamin D deficiency and this is what I found: "Studies have found that people with low levels of vitamin D have reduced leg extension power, handgrip strength, ability to climb stairs, and ability to walk distances." That would probably explain Lone Peak!!

So the nurse practitioner gave me a prescription for vitamin D. 50,000 iu. The recommended daily dose is 400 iu. So I am taking about 12,500% daily value of vitamin D. Wow.
Low vitamin D levels have also been linked to autoimmune disorders like Graves disease!
Thanks Doc for telling me!!! or not telling me!!!! I had to look this up myself on Mayo clinic and other reputable sites.
I don't need doctors anymore. No offense Todd and Paul.
Now I wait and see if my strength returns.
No wonder I feel like Jeff, Colin, Stephanie and my sister Jenny are unusually strong lately.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I find it odd that you conveniently have a "medical" excuse for all your apparent weaknesses. Hmmmm..... yes, very convenient. Just so you know, it isn't the vitamin D deficiency. I can and will take you in a fight.